Postal Codes

This category contains all updated postal codes for all states, LGA, towns, cities, villages, territories and streets in and outside Nigeria. Here on, you will find all the area ZIP codes for important cities and local government areas of the top regions all over the world.

Find More: Lagos Zip Codes

United States ZIP Codes – All US Postal Codes by States

This post contains all updated United States ZIP Codes - List of all US postal codes (ZIP codes) for all…

Viklin Viklin

Colorado ZIP Codes – Postal Codes for the State of Colorado, USA

Colorado is a state in the Mountain West subregion of the Western United States. It encompasses most of the Southern…

Viklin Viklin

Hawaii ZIP Codes – Postal Codes for the State of Hawaii, USA

Hawaii is a state in the Western United States located in the Pacific Ocean about 2,000 miles (3,200 km) from…

Viklin Viklin
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