WhatsApp Suddenly Down, Followed by Facebook and Instagram
Three social media platforms such as Whatsapp, Facebook, and Instagram are experiencing…
Glasses Will Be Equipped With Cameras in the Future Says Facebook Boss
Glasses have now become one of the accessories that are useful for…
Delete These 9 Android Apps That Can Steal Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram Accounts!
Talking about dangerous applications that contain malware or viruses, there will be…
Facebook Is Developing a Smartwatch With Detachable Camera
Recently a report emerged from The Verge which claimed that Facebook would…
Facebook Starts Trial of Clubhouse Competitor Application, Named Hotline
Many social media companies are now preparing to present a competing app…
Instagram Announces Automatic Caption Feature in Stories, What Does It Do?
Captions are now a common feature found on services like YouTube. But…
WhatsApp Now Serves 1 Billion Voice Calls and 100 Billion Messages Every Month!
WhatsApp is currently one of the most widely used online messaging services.…
This Is What Happens if You Don’t Accept the New Privacy Policy on WhatsApp!
In January, WhatsApp made many people surprised and scared by the change…
It’s Official, Facebook Acquires ‘GIPHY’ GIF Sharing Platform
Social media giant Facebook has recently officially acquired one of the most…