Telegram has introduced new ways for creators to generate income on its platform, aiming to make it easier for users to earn money on Telegram. This push to support creators comes as the platform continues to grow rapidly. With 950 million active users reached last month, Telegram is close to hitting the 1 billion user mark this year. Telegram’s founder, Pavel Durov, has expressed confidence that the company will become profitable next year and is even considering taking the company public.
One of the key new features is the launch of monthly paid subscriptions, which users can buy using Telegram’s digital currency called Stars. These subscriptions will give subscribers access to exclusive content that creators offer. This approach is similar to platforms like Patreon, where fans can pay to get early or special access to content.
With this new feature, content creators on Telegram can create special invite links that allow users to join their channels in exchange for a monthly fee. This fee is paid in Stars, and creators have the flexibility to set their own prices for their content. The introduction of these paid subscriptions opens up a significant opportunity for creators to earn money on Telegram by monetizing their content directly from their audience.
The Stars that creators receive from these payments can be converted into Toncoin, a type of cryptocurrency. Creators can also use the Stars to get subsidized ads on Telegram. However, Telegram will take a small commission from each transaction involving Stars, though they haven’t said exactly how much this commission will be.
In addition to the subscription model, Telegram is also rolling out a feature called Star Reactions. This allows users to show support for their favorite creators directly by sending Stars. This feature is similar to YouTube’s “Super Thanks” or X’s (formerly known as Twitter) Tips feature. What makes Star Reactions appealing for creators is that they get to keep 100% of the Stars they receive from their fans, offering them a straightforward way to earn money on Telegram.
These new features are part of Telegram’s broader strategy to help content creators generate income through the platform. Over the past few months, Telegram has introduced several other monetization tools. For instance, last month, Telegram began allowing creators to share paid content on their channels. A few months earlier, the platform also launched an ad revenue-sharing program, where creators could earn money by sharing ads on their channels.
These developments highlight Telegram’s commitment to becoming a leading platform for creators to earn money while continuing to expand its user base worldwide.